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Original Culture Fine Art For Sale

So if you are here, you have made the correct choice of preferring IndiGalleria to buy Arts from emerging, experienced and renowned Indian artists. We have a collection of 353 Original Culture Fine Art For Sale which will give you an impeccable shopping experience for home decor, hotels and corporate or investment purposes not forgetting paintings as a token of gift to your loved ones to make them feel the delicacy of owning a Arts. read more..

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$ 1,074

Fortune Teller (2146)

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas
Art by: Dhan Prasad
Size: 24.0 X 36.0 inch (WxH)

$ 767

Fortune Teller (2145)

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas
Art by: Dhan Prasad
Size: 28.0 X 30.0 inch (WxH)

$ 614

Lady Musician-10

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas
Art by: Subaassh Joshii
Size: 24.0 X 24.0 inch (WxH)

$ 614

Lady Musician-9

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas
Art by: Subaassh Joshii
Size: 24.0 X 24.0 inch (WxH)

$ 5,523


Painting: Oil on Canvas
Art by: Abbas Batliwala
Size: 48.0 X 60.0 inch (WxH)

$ 307

Swarnim Bharat 4

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas
Art by: Pinki Saini
Size: 16.0 X 16.0 inch (WxH)

$ 307

Swarnim Bharat 3

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas
Art by: Pinki Saini
Size: 16.0 X 16.0 inch (WxH)

$ 767


Painting: Mixed Media on Canvas
Art by: Rangoli Garg
Size: 30.0 X 30.0 inch (WxH)

$ 1,227


Painting: Mixed Media on Canvas
Art by: Rangoli Garg
Size: 24.0 X 24.0 inch (WxH)

$ 3,682

Eternal Peace

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas
Art by: Swapan Roy
Size: 48.0 X 72.0 inch (WxH)

$ 2,225

Market Place-2

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas
Art by: Girish Adannavar
Size: 46.0 X 30.0 inch (WxH)

$ 1,381

Market Place-1

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas
Art by: Girish Adannavar
Size: 18.0 X 48.0 inch (WxH)

$ 1,841


Painting: Acrylic on Canvas
Art by: Deepa Vedpathak
Size: 48.0 X 36.0 inch (WxH)

$ 1,036 $ 1,381 (25%)

Musical evening

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas
Art by: Chetan Katigar
Size: 48.0 X 40.0 inch (WxH)

$ 1,381

Mother and Daughter (2023)

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas
Art by: Ramesh P Gujar
Size: 36.0 X 30.0 inch (WxH)

$ 2,055

Bengali Tune 2023

Painting: Acrylic on Canvas
Art by: Sekhar Roy
Size: 42.0 X 36.0 inch (WxH)

$ 690


Drawing: Mixed Media on Canvas
Art by: Dhan Prasad
Size: 24.0 X 24.0 inch (WxH)

$ 921


Painting: Mixed Media on Canvas
Art by: Dhan Prasad
Size: 30.0 X 32.0 inch (WxH)

$ 3,314

Folk Singer

Painting: Oil on Canvas
Art by: Tirthankar Biswas
Size: 36.0 X 48.0 inch (WxH)

$ 245


Painting: Acrylic on Canvas Board
Art by: Girish Adannavar
Size: 10.0 X 12.0 inch (WxH)

"Celebrate the Vibrancy of Indian Culture: Culture Paintings"

Description: Embark on a colorful journey into the heart of India's rich cultural tapestry with our captivating collection of cultural paintings. Each artwork serves as a vibrant tribute to the myriad traditions, rituals, and symbols that define the essence of Incredible India.

Art holds the power to bridge gaps and foster understanding between cultures, touching people on a fundamental emotional level. Our culture paintings offer a window into the soul of India, allowing viewers to connect with its diverse heritage and values.

Through the expressive medium of figurative art, our talented artists breathe life into the essence of Indian culture. From lively street scenes and intricate patterns to iconic landmarks and mythological tales, each painting encapsulates the depth and nuance of India's cultural identity.

Experience the beauty and diversity of Indian culture through the eyes of visionary artists, as they capture the essence of traditions passed down through generations. Whether adorning your walls or personal spaces, these artworks serve as timeless reminders of India's cultural richness and legacy.

Transform your space into a celebration of Indian culture and heritage with a captivating culture painting from IndiGalleria. Explore our curated collection today and immerse yourself in the vibrant hues and timeless beauty of India's cultural landscape.

IndiGalleria is one of the best online art galleries having an enormous collection of original paintings, whether it is acrylic, oil, watercolour, mixed media or charcoal, or any painting to be made on your special demand, your wishes will not be left unfulfilled. Even if you are looking for Abstract, Figurative, Contemporary, Indian Folk Art read more..

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