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Original Surrealism Fine Art For Sale

So if you are here, you have made the correct choice of preferring IndiGalleria to buy Surrealism Arts from emerging, experienced and renowned Indian artists. We have a collection of 7 Original Surrealism Fine Art For Sale which will give you an impeccable shopping experience for home decor, hotels and corporate or investment purposes not forgetting paintings as a token of gift to your loved ones to make them feel the delicacy of owning a Arts. read more..

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$ 460

Angel Horse

Painting: Oil on Canvas
Art by: Abbas Batliwala
Size: 13.6 X 18.0 inch (WxH)


Drawing: Pen on Fabriano
Art by: Vrushali Patil
Size: 22.0 X 18.0 inch (WxH)

Magical Strength (Brahma Matsya)

Drawing: Pen on Fabriano
Art by: Vrushali Patil
Size: 22.0 X 18.0 inch (WxH)

Magical Strength (Trini Mayura)

Drawing: Pen on Fabriano
Art by: Vrushali Patil
Size: 22.0 X 18.0 inch (WxH)

Supreme Power - Hanuman

Drawing: Pen on Fabriano
Art by: Vrushali Patil
Size: 18.5 X 24.0 inch (WxH)


Painting: Acrylic on Canvas
Art by: Uttam Bhattacharya
Size: 24.0 X 30.0 inch (WxH)

$ 207 $ 230 (10%)

Water Search - 2

Painting: Oil on Canvas
Art by: Abhilasha Singh
Size: 12.0 X 12.0 inch (WxH)

What is the Characteristics and definition of Surrealism in Art?

Surreal art is a type of art which is released from our creativity from our subconscious mind. The image of the melting branches or a frog's fish tale appears in our mind’s eye and hence surrealist art is effective, robust and potent. The artist’s out of the box imagination is what makes these artworks surreal.

Surrealism is a type of visual art at its zenith that oscillates between dreams and reality. It is best termed as the language of the unconscious mind.

The Surrealist Movement was initiated in Europe in the 1920’s in the form of surreal literary works. It then expanded out to visual art and created some of the most famous artists of worldwide. Though Dali still has maintained his top position in surrealist art in the world but the artworks of John Miro, Max Ernest and Rene Magritte have also been a great part of the surreal moment. IndiGalleria has associated with some of the top surrealism artists of India.

However surrealism as a philosophy, has been present in India's art from the ancient time. From mythological paintings to the struggles of our colonial past, India has been a home to artists who have been using surrealism to showcase it all.

If one has ever wished to travel in the world of imagination surrealist paintings would make it happen as one concentrated look at it will connect your string with the subconscious mind and take you to the world of fantasies. Dip into the art of imagination, expressions and creativity of the subconscious mind with IndiGalleria's exclusive collection of Surrealism paintings. Get home an original surrealist artwork online through IndiGalleria and give yourself a treat of surrealism.

IndiGalleria is one of the best online art galleries having an enormous collection of original paintings, whether it is acrylic, oil, watercolour, mixed media or charcoal, or any painting to be made on your special demand, your wishes will not be left unfulfilled. Even if you are looking for Abstract, Figurative, Contemporary, Indian Folk Art read more..

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