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Original Batik Fine Art For Sale

So if you are here, you have made the correct choice of preferring IndiGalleria to buy Batik Arts from emerging, experienced and renowned Indian artists. We have a collection of 0 Original Batik Fine Art For Sale which will give you an impeccable shopping experience for home decor, hotels and corporate or investment purposes not forgetting paintings as a token of gift to your loved ones to make them feel the delicacy of owning a Arts. read more..

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What is Batik in Art and its Technique?

Batik a technique of wax resist dyeing done on the cloth. It is done on the cloth is created by making dots or lines of the resist with tjanting, a spouted tool, or by printing with a stamp called a cap.

This technique was originated in Java, Indonesia in the 17th century. The word batik is most likely derived from the word ‘ambatik’ which means a cloth with little dots.

If you wish to know more about Batik Art and Fabrics please click here.

This technique was originated in Java, Indonesia in the 17th century. The word batik is most likely derived from the word ‘ambatik’ which means a cloth with little dots.

IndiGalleria is one of the best online art galleries having an enormous collection of original paintings, whether it is acrylic, oil, watercolour, mixed media or charcoal, or any painting to be made on your special demand, your wishes will not be left unfulfilled. Even if you are looking for Abstract, Figurative, Contemporary, Indian Folk Art read more..

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